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Advocacy groups call for an end to Greyhound racing

A New South Wales government inquiry into the state’s greyhound industry is currently taking submissions from the public. The Drake Inquiry promises to inquire into, report on, and make findings and recommendations in relation to Greyhound Welfare, management, and the accuracy and reporting done by Greyhound Racing NSW.

The industry has long been under fire for its treatment of animals, with allegations of corruption arising as recently as July this year. Harry Rothenfluh, Head of Research for the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds, says that the government’s response is disappointing.

“We don’t think this is an independent inquiry. So firstly we really think a full parliamentary inquiry into the whole greyhound racing industry is needed. This is an inquiry into Greyhound Racing New South Wales, which is the commercial arm set up by the government to look after the commercial aspects of the industry. There’s been a lot of media for a long time about how poorly that agency has run its business.”

Many greyhounds are rehomed following their racing careers, and are often left with lasting medical and behavioural issues. Laura Murray has adopted two rescue greyhounds and has seen first hand the impacts of the industry.

“I’ve owned two rescue greyhounds now. The first one was Sarah. A a result of her not having a dental for her whole life up until she was seven, she ended up with renal failure and sadly passed away from that condition. Now I own Jedda, who’s my second rescue greyhound. Both dogs, when I first got them were very withdrawn. They didn’t know how to be pets, and it usually takes them a couple of months to really develop their personalities and be confident in being house dogs.”

Despite a temporary ban in 2015, Greyhound Racing continues. Advocacy groups like the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds want to see a ban enacted and steeper consequences put in place for individuals and organisations breaching animal welfare laws. Mr Rothenfluh wants to see an end to greyhound racing in Australia.

“First and foremost for us, we would like to see the industry shut down. What’s really important to remember is all the things that happened that came to light in 2015 which led to a temporary ban in New South Wales and a permanent ban in ACT, all those things are still happening. Live baiting, dogs being brutally killed, doping. All those things are still happening ten years later.”

“So why is this industry still going? The laws need to be tightened. There has to be serious consequences for people who do the wrong thing, because at the moment, those consequences are just not there. There’s not enough of a disincentive for people to stop the behaviours that they’ve been doing.”

Laura, too, firmly supports a ban on greyhound racing.

“Yes, I’d really like to see it banned and for greyhounds to just live lives as pets rather than for profit.”

The Drake Inquiry is accepting submissions from the public until the 27th of September, available from the New South Wales State Government website.

Photo by Derek Story on Unsplash
