Submission Categories

Creative Essay

As university students, you’re familiar with academic essays – particularly in the science disciplines. A creative essay, or creative non-fiction, is very similar. A creative essay will have a narrative voice, tell a story, and be creative whilst doing so. Don’t worry about referencing, but ensure that you are attributing quotes and being factual. 

Short Fiction

Short fiction should keep in mind the theme, and be aware of the limitations of the genre. We want to read stories that are thought provoking, creative, and showcase the ingenuity of our students in interpreting the theme – without being shocking or gratuitous in nature. If necessary, please include content warnings at the beginning of your piece.

Cover Art

Artists and photographers are encouraged to submit their pieces for potential cover art. We’d love to see creative uses of mediums, and creative interpretations of the theme relevant to your art medium. Please ensure that files are good quality scans or digital works. 

What you need to know...

General Guidelines

Word Limit

We have a 10% leeway on word limits, but please work within them wherever possible. We are looking for quality, not quantity.


Your written submission must be formatted as a word document, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, with double spacing.

Artworks and photos should be submitted as a good quality .jpg or .png. If entering traditional media, please ensure they are scanned, not photographed.


Attribute quotes and ideas to the person who originated them but include a list of references for fact checking purposes. If an article referenced is online, include a hyperlink to it.

You do not need to adhere to a particular referencing style, and we advise against structuring your creative essays like an academic one.

Content Warnings

If your work contains themes that require a content warning, please include them with your submission.


Art Cover Prize: $500 awarded as an honorarium to the chosen cover art.

Writing Prizes:  $200 awarded as an honorarium per accepted written submission

Submission Deadline

Submissions Open: 1 June 2024

The final deadline for submission is: 23 August 2024

No entries will be accepted after this date.

How to Enter

Please read the Terms and Conditions before submission.  Then use the button below to access the entry form.  You can submit as many entries as you wish but each submission will require a separate entry form.


Submit Here

Judging Criteria and Guidelines

Participants are encouraged to carefully consider these judging criteria and guidelines when preparing their submissions for the 2024 Student Anthology.

Relevance to Theme

  1. Entries will be evaluated based on how effectively they explore the theme of “Fusion”.
  2. Judges will consider the depth of engagement with the theme and the innovative ways in which it is interpreted.


  1. Judges will assess the originality and creativity of the ideas presented in the submission.
  2. Entries that demonstrate unique perspectives, imaginative storytelling, or innovative approaches to the theme will be favoured.

Writing Quality

  1. The clarity, coherence, and effectiveness of the writing will be taken into account.
  2. Judges will consider the use of language, style, and structure in conveying the message or narrative of the submission.


  1. Entries must be entirely the participant’s own work and must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.
  2. Judges will look for fresh, authentic voices and ideas that distinguish the submission from others.

Adherence to Guidelines

  1. Submissions must adhere to the specified word count limit and format requirements.
  2. Entries that meet all submission guidelines without any deviations will be favoured.


  1. Judges will consider the ability of the submission to captivate and engage the reader.
  2. Entries that evoke emotion, provoke thought, or stimulate intellectual curiosity will be highly regarded.

Overall Impact

  1. Judges will evaluate the overall impact and resonance of the submission.
  2. Entries that leave a lasting impression, provoke reflection, or contribute meaningfully to the anthology’s theme will be prioritised.

Diversity and Inclusivity

  1. Entries that reflect diverse perspectives, experiences, and voices will be encouraged and celebrated.
  2. Judges will consider the inclusivity and representation of marginalized or underrepresented groups in the submissions.


  1. Submissions must demonstrate respect for individuals, communities, and cultures.
  2. Entries that uphold principles of respect, tolerance, and inclusivity will be favoured.


  1. Judges will prioritize submissions that demonstrate integrity, honesty, and authenticity.
  2. Plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty will result in immediate disqualification.
  3. Entries that go against the University of New England’s Code of Conduct or UNE Life’s values will not be considered.

Terms and Conditions of Entry

By submitting an entry to the 2024 Student Anthology, participants acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.


  1. Entries are open to currently enrolled students of the University of New England (UNE). Participants must abide by the university’s code of conduct.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Entries must adhere to the theme “Fusion”.
  2. Works may be essays, creative non-fiction, or creative short fiction pieces.
  3. Submissions must be original and previously unpublished.
  4. Each participant may submit only one entry.
  5. Entries must be written in English.
  6. The word count for submissions is limited to 2500 words.
  7. Entries must be submitted in electronic format via the designated submission platform by the specified deadline.
  8. Entries that were written for a unit may only be submitted prior to the unit’s completion and the assessment of the piece returned.

Rights and Permissions

  1. By submitting an entry, participants grant TuneFM and UNE Life the non-exclusive right to publish, distribute, and promote their work in the anthology and associated promotional materials.
  2. Participants retain copyright ownership of their submissions.
  3. TuneFM and UNE Life reserve the right to edit submissions for grammar, punctuation, and formatting without altering the core content or message of the work.

Selection Process

  1. Entries will be reviewed by a panel of judges appointed by TuneFM and UNE Life.
  2. Judging criteria will include relevance to the theme, creativity, originality, and writing quality.
  3. The decisions of the judging panel are final and binding.


  1. Selected participants will be notified via email or other contact information provided during submission.
  2. TuneFM and UNE Life reserve the right to publicly announce the names of selected participants and their submissions.


  1. Selected entries will be published in the anthology produced by TuneFM and UNE Life.
  2. Participants whose works are chosen for publication will receive a complimentary copy of the anthology.
  3. Participants whose works are chosen for publication will be awarded an honorarium of $200 for their work.

Code of Conduct

  1. Participants are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and respect throughout the submission process.
  2. Plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty will result in disqualification.
  3. Discriminatory, offensive, or inappropriate content will not be tolerated and will lead to immediate disqualification.


  1. TuneFM and UNE Life are not responsible for any lost, damaged, or misdirected submissions.
  2. Participants are solely responsible for ensuring that their submissions comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

Modification or Termination

  1. TuneFM and UNE Life reserve the right to modify or terminate the submission process or the anthology project at any time, for any reason, without prior notice.

Acceptance of Terms

  1. By submitting an entry, participants agree to abide by these terms and conditions in their entirety.

Contact Information

  1. For inquiries regarding the submission process or the anthology project, please contact