Joana Jacob Ramalho, UCL A mass of hot pink emerges violently amid the green foliage, palm trees and shrubbery. Located...
Teresa Ubide, The University of Queensland; Alice MacDonald, The University of Queensland, and Jack Mulder, University of Adelaide When you...
Alexander Skeels, Australian National University The animals in Australia are super-different to those in Asia. This goes without saying; we...
Brian Heterick, Curtin University Two of the worst ant pests on the planet are invading Australia. Red imported fire ants...
Christopher Johnson, University of Tasmania and Linda van Bommel, University of Tasmania Guardian dogs do a great job of protecting...
Kevin Tolhurst AM, The University of Melbourne An El Niño event has arrived, according to the World Meteorological Organization, raising...
Rowena Christiansen, The University of Melbourne Why do humans undertake journeys of personal exploration, or subject themselves to challenging conditions...
Sally Cripps, University of Technology Sydney; Alex Fischer, Australian National University; Edward Santow, University of Technology Sydney; Hadi Mohasel...