Join David as he travels back to biblical times in the Christmas musical movie, Journey to Bethlehem. Directed by...
Studio Ghibli’s latest release, The Boy and The Heron, is the subject of today’s episode of Screen Time. Directed...
The latest addition to the Hunger Games franchise is The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Based on the book...
Directed and produced by acclaimed director Ridley Scott, Napoleon follows the rise and fall of the French military leader...
Directed by Martin Scorsese and featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon...
Released in Australia on the 9th of November, The Marvels brings three separate heroes together to work as one....
Released in theatres on the 27th of October, Five Nights at Freddy’s is a movie adaptation of the popular...
By Charlotte Stone ‘The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We’ is a poignant and vulnerable exploration of human experience...