Sara Webb, Swinburne University of Technology We have long been fascinated with the idea of alien life. The earliest written...
Gary Sacks, Deakin University and Jasmine Chan, Deakin University In your trips to the supermarket, you’ve probably come across the...
Sally Patfield, University of Newcastle; Jenny Gore, University of Newcastle; Jess Harris, University of Newcastle, and Leanne Fray, University...
Ivo Labbe, Swinburne University of Technology “Look at this,” says Erica’s message. She is poring over the very first images...
Jessica Holloway, Australian Catholic University; Glenn C. Savage, The University of Melbourne, and Steven Lewis, Australian Catholic University Australia’s education...
Malika Nisal Ratnayake, Monash University; Adrian Dyer, Monash University, and Alan Dorin, Monash University Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a new...
John Woinarski, Charles Darwin University; Libby Rumpff, The University of Melbourne; Mark Lintermans, University of Canberra; Sarah Legge, Australian...
Christina N. Zdenek, The University of Queensland Experts have long understood that snakes can feel sound vibrations through the ground...