With 2024 coming to a close, let's look back at some of the fantastic work our students have done this year.We've had a phenomenal group of students come through our doors, both in studio and online, and we couldn't be prouder of all that our volunteers have accomplished. Stories produced at Tune this year have made it onto The Wire and NRN, and we've had the pleasure to see how much our volunteers have grown in confidence and skill.Joining our academic shows we now have Psyched4Psych and Lift Us Up! Both are led by students (in psychology and social work respectively) and look at the challenges and experiences of students studying those degrees, as well as chatting with experts in the industry. These two shows were also produced entirely by online students, showing that there's no barrier to volunteering!We cannot wait to see what awaits us in 2025 (hopefully a number of eager new students!) and we look forward to seeing you all there. Studio photos by Mike TerryUNE LifeUNE Medicine and HealthUniversity of New England, AUUniversity of New England Paediatrics SocietyHumanities at UNEUNE Zoology Society... See MoreSee Less